The La Veta School District RE-2 Board of Education is composed of 5 volunteer members, elected at-large. A president, vice president, and secretary are selected from the board membership by a majority of the voting members. Regularly scheduled Board of Education meetings are held in the board room at 200 East Stadium Drive, according to policy exhibit BEDA_E and are open to the public. Complete BoardDocs Agendas and attachments are accessed by clicking on the Board of Education button on the school website, 24 hours before the Board Meeting. The secretary to the Board of Education is available at (719) 742-6411 to answer questions about Board of Education Meetings. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT MEETINGS La Veta BOE abides by all Colorado Open Records Laws. In that view, this is a meeting of the Board of Education in public. Audience input, knowledge, and discussion will be welcome, but limited to agenda items and as called upon by the BOE President.